AGI - Artificial General Intelligence. What it is and what it aims to achieve

*This event will be hosted in Italian

The term AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) refers to "a hypothetical computer program capable

of performing  intellectual tasks  as well  as, or better  than, a  human being" (H. Hodson). With the ability  to apply intelligence to  any problem, it has the  ambition  to possess  general cognitive

abilities. Some academic sources reserve this term “for those computer programs that are capable of being sentient” and “have all the characteristics of a mind, including consciousness”.

It is also known as “strong artificial intelligence” (“strong AI”), as opposed to “weak AI” or “narrow AI”, which instead focuses on a  specific task and operates with a  limited and predefined set of


An important aspect of the debate on this topic is that a general artificial intelligence capable of emulating the human mind could also “recursively improve itself”(recursive self-improvement), and, “starting from the human level, it could autonomously improve itself, producing technologies much faster than human scientists”, with developments that are difficult to predict. This scenario raises many questions.

Let’s talk about this topic with:

●    Antonio Chella, Full Professor of Robotics and Director of RoboticsLab at Univeristà di Palermo

●    Riccardo Manzotti, Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at IULM. Philosopher, Psycologist and AI Scholar

Meeting moderated by David Orban,

June 20, 2023
hosted by
SingularityU Milan Chapter
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