We aspire to tackle global challenges with exponentials, but when is this effective? When are business models more powerful for fighting society's problems than new technology? Can an abundance mindset teach us when less is more? New forms of entrepreneurial thinking are on the horizon: non-extractive, steward-owned, Post Growth, degrowth, and donut inspired. This presentation will look critically at our tech incubation and valorization practices, and describe non-extractive alternatives for a better future. Melanie Rieback is the CEO and Co-founder of Radically Open Security, the world’s first non-profit computer security consultancy company. It’s a collective of hackers who aim to disrupt the computer security market with their ideals — give 90% of profits to charity (the NLnet Foundation), release all their tools into the open-source, invite customers to actively participate, and generally optimize for openness, transparency, and community service. Melanie was named 2010 ICT Professional of the Year (Finalist) by Women in IT, one of the 400 most successful women in the Netherlands by Viva Magazine (Viva400) in 2010 and 2017, one of the fifty most inspiring women in tech (Inspiring Fifty Netherlands) in 2016, 2017, and 2019.She was also called the Most Innovative IT Leader by CIO Magazine NL (TIM Award) in 2017, and one of the 9 Most Innovative Women in the European Union (EU Women Innovators Prize) in 2019. Her company, Radically Open Security was named the 50th Most Innovative SME by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (MKB Innovatie Top 100) in 2016.