Erick Thurmer

Singularity Expert: Digital Manufacturing

Erik Thürmer understands that for organizations to thrive in an exponential world, one in which the speed, scale and (zero) cost of disruptive innovations are transforming society as we know it, companies need to take great risks and challenge status quo in order to survive. Acting, on this belief Erik Thürmer disrupted his great grandfather ́s 100-year old tool-business into a successful, modernized, purpose-driven 3D business.Through a series of radical actions, one of which included firing his entire board of directors, Erick transformed his archaic family business, into a universal company that scales learning over efficiency, collaboration over competition, speed over scale, and purpose over product. Leveraging digital Thürmer Tools moved from the industrial outskirts of Copenhagen to outer space and took the production from China and back home to Denmark.The company has been awarded leading digital company in Denmark and granted €1.6 million to develop the 3D business based on a 3D patent valued in €27 million by The Confederation of Danish Industry. Thürmer Tools is also part of the 2020 European Horizon Framework Programme.Additionally to being a change agent, Erick is an alumnus of Singularity University, exploring the development and application of new technologies in order to solve global challenges purposely. Moreover, being a distinguished member of “The Disruption Council: A partnership for Denmark’s Future”, Erick have established himself as a political debater and frequent columnist on the implementation and adaption of emerging technology and general digitalisation in Denmark.With 20+ years of experience as a successful entrepreneur and business owner, Erick Thürmer is specialized in traditional, international trade, new development industries and exponential technologies. Bridging the gap between digitalization, business & humanity - past, present & future – Erick has been dubbed Mr. Disruption, rock star CEO, advocate for SME ́s and purpose-driven digitalisation specialist.