Dr. Jose Morey

Guest Speaker: Artificial Intelligence, Medicine

CEO and Founder of Ad Astra Media LLC where he provides role models and educational STEAMcontent to encourage more diversity in STEAM related fields and an Eisenhower Fellow with the2020/2021 ZHI-XING Fellows Program. He is a health and technology keynote speaker, author and aconsultant for NASA, Forbes, MIT and the White House Office of Science and Technology. He isconsidered a leader in exponential technology innovation and excels at leading multidisciplinaryteams that sit at the epicenter of biotechnology, AI, and aerospace.He is considered the first Intergalactic Doctor and is often featured on Forbes, Univision, CNBC andNASA360. His latest essay “The Future Shock of Medicine: How AI will Transform Disease, Deathand Doctors” was recently reviewed by The Wall Street Journal along with other contributions bycontemporary thought leaders. He serves as a technology and business advisor for MIT, NASA, UVA,African Innovation Alliance, US-Polish Alliance for Innovation and has served as special envoy to thePolish Space Agency.As Chief Engineering Council in charge of Innovation for Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, hedirects international engineering teams in technology and intellectual property development.As the Medical Technology and Artificial Intelligence Adviser for NASA iTech, he helped evaluateresearch initiatives that would develop novel technology to meet the 2030 Mars Mission objectivesand deep space exploration.His expertise in big data and innovation has made him a sought-after consultant in many industries.Dr. Morey has previously worked with Liberty BioSecurity as their Chief Medical Innovation Officerwhere he helps drive innovation in genetic intelligence, national defense, biotechnology, precisionmedicine and augmented human performance and with IBM Watson Health as their Associated ChiefHealth Officer where he helped develop global AI medical technologies.Morey has also consulted with many companies to help create and train their deep learningalgorithms and neural networks to develop intelligent systems in healthcare and aerospace.Morey sits on several AI advisory boards and has over 100 peer-reviewed publications, articles,presentations, and lectures. He also has a seat on the Informatics Leadership Council for theAmerican College of Radiology.He has given talks to NASA360, the Radiologic Society of North America, HIIMS, Academy Health,Health Datapalooza, Tech.Co, Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange, Stifel Nicolaus HealthcareInvestment Conference, the Chinese Medical Association and the Senate of the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico.Morey holds an adjunct professorship of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University ofVirginia and at Eastern Virginia Medical School. And he is a guest lecturer at Singularity University.Morey is also an advisor with MIT Solve, Ideas MIT, Tampa Bay Wave, and I-Corps Puerto Rico.Dr. Morey is a Senior Advisor with the NASA Space Breathing Initiative, where he helps direct aninternational team of hardware and software engineers to develop a blockchain based data platformpipeline in collaboration with NASA and NetApp for COVID-19 rapid response utilizing hybridcloud. Identified and guided hardware and software parameters well as edge device integration andclinical AI development for prescriptive analytics and integration with the US National EmergencyBroadcasting System.He also serves as a Special Advisor with the White House Office of Science and Technology KaggleCORD19 Project. He advised the Director of Research of CORD19 which is a collaboration betweenthe Allen Institute for AI, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), Georgetown University’s Center forSecurity and Emerging Technology (CSET), Microsoft, and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) atthe National Institutes of Health to create AI platform to review scholarly literature about COVID-19,SARS-CoV-2, and the Coronavirus group. Advised director on how to transform research content intomachine-readable form, making the corpus ready for analysis and study.