Nancy Giordano

Guest Speaker: Strategic Futurist, Opener/Closer

Described as endlessly optimistic, Nancy is a strategic futurist, global keynote speaker, corporate strategist and gatherer with a drive to help enterprise organizations and visionary leaders transform to meet the escalating expectations ahead. Recognized as one of the top female futurists, Nancy's expertise and experiences ranges from A.I. to frozen foods to reinventing the internet…and Capitalism, and is focused on creating a sustainable and equitable “better next”. With an early career at three of the top global advertising agencies and 15 year founder of her own strategic inspiration company, Play Big Inc, Nancy has a rich history of advising and learning with both iconic companies (Nestle, The Coca Cola Company, Sprint) and horizon-technology start-ups (Holochain)... helping them transition to the new economy of collaboration, contribution and trust. The world’s first TEDx licensee, a Singularity University lecturer, creator of the first “Career Fair For the Future” for college + high school students, and recent co-founder of Femme Futurists Society--a growing collection of interviews with leading futurists around the world, Nancy has joined forces with Kungfu.AI to advance the organizational structures and new approaches necessary to effectively harness the significant technology innovations heading our way… and ensure a safe and thriving future for us all. Concerned about the dangers of applying a static, hierarchal, closed 20th century leadership approach to at 21st century world, Nancy is currently completing her first book, titled Leadering, which defines and encourages the dynamic, inclusive and audacious mindset leaders must cultivate in order to build a future we all want.