As an individual, you’ve likely taken advantage of many of the latest technological advances. From investing in crypto to using Google Maps to help you find where to eat tonight, the impact of exponential technologies is felt by every individual on the planet.
Can the same be said about your organization? In a 2017 article by Harvard Business Review, they report that since 2000, 52% of companies in the Fortune 500 have either gone bankrupt, been acquired, or ceased to exist as a result of digital disruption. Furthermore, according to a 2021 Corporate Longevity Forecast by Innosight, at the current churn rate, 75% of the S&P 500 firms in 2011 will be replaced by new firms entering the S&P 500 in 2027. Technological, economical and societal transformation is paving the way for smaller, more agile companies to pop up and disrupt legacy organizations. When the only options on the table are to either disrupt yourself or risk being disrupted by your competition it can feel like the choice is obvious. However, when it comes down to actually identifying and implementing strategy to help your organization avoid disruption, companies and leadership teams fail to create results.
Grow your toolkit by learning the key principles to master to succeed in an accelerating world, including the importance of: